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Student Ministries

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Serving children ages 0-11. We are dedicated to "Leading kidz to Jesus!" Our team has a true passion for helping children establish and nurture a personal relationship with Jesus. Our five areas of focus for children's ministries are: kidzLEARN our Sunday morning classroom time: kidzLIVE our Sunday morning kids' church: kidzPRAYER our Wednesday evening prayer-focused class: kidzREACH our outreach to our neighboring communities and kidzDRIVE offering free rides to and from our church services and other special events

Chapter 29 Student Ministries is designed to equip, prepare, support, and encourage students to live out their faith. We offer ministries and activities that provide as atmosphere for students to mature spiritually and form friendships within the church body. These include youth services, Bible studies, classes on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. Monthly activities are scheduled for the youth to interact and socialize in a safe and fun environment.

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